The Boat

New Engine for a New Year

Libby regularly undergoes maintenance such as mechanical services and new paintwork. But every now and then a much larger job is required – like fitting a new engine!

A new engine for Libby

Click the button below to see Ken testing the new engine before it was fitted into Libby in time for the 2020 fishing season to begin.

Ken also built this new dashboard for the engine using a handful of spare VDO gauges, some LED warning lights and a new ignition switch. It’s ready to be wired into the loom for the new engine:

As always, safety onboard Libby is our number 1 priority, which is way we’re always proactive in replacing things which a nearing the end of their life.

This new engine should give us years of reliable service, ensuring we can get out to the best fishing grounds in good time and always return home safely at the end of the day.

We look forward to welcoming you aboard Libby for a Whitby fishing trip sometime soon!